Sunday, March 28, 2010

CPD "Green Tour"

The Crawford Park District "Green Tour"
Lowe-Volk Park Nature Center
Saturday, April 24th
10 am - 2 pm
The Crawford Park District Green Tour will be held on Saturday, April 24th from 10 am - 2 pm. The Green Tour is an opportunity for area residents to explore utilization of natural resources for implementation of sustainable energy production, recycling techniques and tree/woodland and family farming practices. With the goal of operating in harmony with nature, local citizens will highlight their wind turbines, solar panels and other ecofriendly practices for the purpose of educating citizens on environmental stewardship.
There will be a one time donation of $5 per person. Age 12 and under FREE. Tickets will be available presale at Lowe-Volk Park Nature Center or at any of the participating sites. You will receive a list of locations and be able to choose the sites you are interested in visiting once your donation is made. This will be a self-guided tour.

1 comment:

  1. Things went great on Saturday and we were very lucky the rainy weather held off! Met some great people and had some great conversations! Hope this "Green Tour" will be an annual outing as all donations go to support the efforts of Lowe-Volk Nature Center.

    Here's to next year! :)
